Saturday, May 30, 2009

School Blues..

Achu has finished his first month in school.. and i somehow feel he hated every second of it.. at least he pretended to.

Daily he entered his classroom with tears in his eyes..

Would refuse to sit with any one for few minutes...

Then would look pleadingly at me and ask"why do I have to come here daily?"..for which i would give a candid statement-"Coz thats what everyone does"

which he totally disapproves and quickly provides me a list of neighbourhood hunks who ve nothing to do with school...

I convince him that THEY are SMALL and would meet the same fate next year..

Then he is shocked to realize that HE is BIG and scolds me for not having told him this before...

By this time I opt for a seat for myself... leaving him standing there ..

Luckily his madam makes the much awaited entry around this time.

Achu refuses to wish her even as all other kids join in the GOOOOODDDDD MOOOORRNNIINNGGG MAAAAAAAAAAMM chorus..

Teacher calls out Achu's name and demands a seperate good morning from him.. which he totally ignores.

As the teacher approaches with a No-Smiling face..he gives out 2-3 sobs and yells 'My stomach is aching' ( Stomach ache and head ache make alternate appearances)..

And as he sits there describing the ache-symptoms to his madam.. i make an unnoticed exit...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ode to DSR..

I like DSR campus ...for its peace and serenity... for the pure air and clear sky ..the green fields and fragrant breeze..

Here the dawn 's so bright and dusk, so clear..
Call of the cuckoo sounds so near..
There's life in each moment...
there's joy in each thought....
No frets no worries...
and that says it all....

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The mother I am...

Its been a few months since i inaugurated my blog.. but till date could'nt go beyond the welcome statement!! yes.. i accept i have proved unworthy of being 'The Blogger".. but where's the time yaaaarrrr

Its a mere 3 hours that i get at my disposal.. which i dont permit Dr. Sherry-the scientist , to grab away from me..

At 6 .. i literally run out of my conscience already scolding me for that 1 hour delay..

But that... i console myself .. is Achu's milk time.. which never happens if I am around..

Achu has somehow taken it into his head that he need not listen to Rajmoni is i am around.. He threatens her with dire consequences if she even attempts to bring his milk-glass anywhere near him..

I can only be a silent observer to all this drama.. coz i had gracefully accepted my defeat in this regard.. long back..

And the worst thing is Achu knows it too!!!